Friday, January 30, 2009

[Daily Bleed] aka Daily Fridge: 1/30 MOHANDIS GANDHI

only a spider of black wires
where once the Oracle spoke
in a whirlwind.

— Dieter Weslowski, "The Angelus Hour"

Daily Bleed in full, some 89 entries,


Great defender of the Seminole Indian nation.

Ontario, Canada: BON SOO Winter Carnival.


1649 -- Heads Up?: Charles I of England beheaded.

The 'Calves Head Club' first undertakes
riotous activity outside a tavern in Charing
Cross, stoning rich folks' houses & fighting
local militiamen.

The loose association of revellers has been
formed to ridicule Charles I on every anniversary
of his execution & a drunken debauch celebrates
sporadically on this day in London from the late
17th century until 1735.

1838 -- US: Osceola, Seminole war chief, dies under
questionable circumstances while imprisoned at Fort
Moultrie, South Carolina. Some say of some sort of
throat disease, others say malaria, others say of a
broken heart.

1871 -- Stoyanov Parachkef (1871-1941) lives.
Significant figure of Rumanian & Bulgarian

1882 -- Nicaragua: Congress votes to educate poet
Ruben Dario at government expense. Almost as good
as two cows.

1894 -- Brazilian revolutionaries fire on the US flag in the
harbor of Rio de Janeiro.

Now why they do that?

1909 -- US: Radical organizer Saul Alinsky lives.

1926 -- France: The chief of police in Paris forbids the playing
of jazzed-up versions of the French national anthem, "La Marseillaise."

1930 -- Vladimir Mayakovski play "The Bathhouse"
premiers, Leningrad, Russia.

1940 -- Denis Langlois lives, Etrechy, France. Lawyer,
anarchist & pacifist writer who does prison time for his
beliefs ("Le cachot").

1943 -- Germany: RAF makes its first daylight raids on Berlin
in WWII & a saturation attack on Hamburg. It is only the bad
guys, not the good guys (Allies) who kill & terrorize civilians
en masse.

1948 -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the political
& spiritual leader of the Indian independence
movement, is assassinated in New Delhi by a
Hindu fanatic.

1952 -- Lehmer discovers 13th & 14th Mersenne primes (2521 - 1, 2607
- 1) 14th Mersenne
prime =


We believe these primes were hiding
off the right edge of your computer screen for centuries;
we also know this is larger than any number than can be
used to count or measure (unless you are counting
Auntie Dave's toes & fingers).

1970 -- US: For the second time in six months, rioting
erupts during an anti-war protest in East Los Angeles.

1972 -- Northern Ireland: "Bloody Sunday." British
soldiers gun down 14 Roman Catholic civil-rights
marchers in Londonderry.

The reality is that civil war has long since moved into
the metropolis. Its mutations are part of everyday life
in our cities, not just in Lima & in Johannesburg, in
Bombay & in Rio, but in Paris & Berlin, in Detroit
& Birmingham, in Milan & Hamburg.

The combatants are no longer just terrorists & secret police,
Mafiosi & skinheads, drug dealers & death squads, neo-Nazis
& cowboy security guards. Even ordinary members of the
public are transformed overnight into hooligans, arsonists,
rioters & serial killers. & as in the African wars, the
combatants are becoming younger by the day.

H a n s M a g n u s
E n z e n s b e r g e r

1992 -- US: Chicago gravediggers end a 43-day strike.
See "Layabouts":

1999 -- US: The Layabouts
check for beer
in the fridge.

World beat sound;
Rock, reggae, ska.
Dance your feet off
while listening to lyrics of ferment,
exalting you to
smash the state
& eat the rich!

They, & The Luddites, play Alvin's
tonite, Detroit.


"To combat cultural
genocide one needs a
critique of civilization itself."

— Gary Snyder


— anti-CopyRite 6666-3000 (yup)

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